— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A colleague told me.
When I finished school, I told my father that I was tired of studying and I’t go to college. He was, of course, not happy, but he did not argue very much with me. If you don’t want to study, then go to work and agree with my uncle to take me to work for his company that carried out transportation in New York. My cousin was there for the same reason. It was fun. A new sense of freedom, our own money, and the city that never sleeps awakened our young blood. But I also had to sneeze almost every day. Very quickly we realized that the worst thing is to transport doctors and lawyers. They had a lot of things — heavy and bulky furniture, beating lustres and porcelain, and for some reason always, his mother, a piano. Loading and unloading the piano is, I will tell you, just a song. And the easiest was to transport offices – standard furniture, boxes – all light, square – beauty! One day we received an order from the hotel. We think it can be transported there in the hotel. Probably something office - we quickly shoot. They came and learned that they needed to return the exhibits from the halls on two floors where yesterday the exhibition of... the piano ended. I don’t remember how many there were, but I think there were a hundred. We did them almost a week non-stop.
The next year I went to college. I have not listened to classical music since then.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna