— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in the time of the great and mighty.

I served in the glorious Turkestan Military District, as in other places, most of the personnel were our “brothers” that is, children of mountains and cotton plantations, who naturally did not understand a word in Russian, but this is only at the beginning of the service.

Another supplement is coming. After two weeks of quarantine, their vocabulary was scarce. To the commands and orders of the elders of the rank was the answer: "Don't understand" and all. Our gentleman, a man with a good sense of humor, takes in the office some leaflet with machine-writing text, builds a company and reads:

Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR.

For those who do not speak Russian, the service in the army is extended to three years.

The same evening. The office has a line of young people, comes the first:

- I know the shipyard of the captain, the ordinary Gurbanberdyev, the Russian man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna