— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Iiiiiii... here we come to the REAL DANGER of GMOs, which no anti-GMO has ever thought of. The danger is that. Now the set of equipment for genetic modification has become quite cheap. Somewhere the prices jumped in just a million, and rubles. The genomes of living organisms are mapping, and this info is never closed. It is not scary that some GM potatoes will suddenly begin to incorporate their genes into human DNA - it is an anti-scientific fig and old-fashioned scares. It is terrible that some other "fighters for something" will be embedded in the genome of some harmless biting mosquito to produce a harmful component for humans. It’s not necessarily a deadly poison, although it would be effective: crush, and the city is extinct. You can simply worsen the health of the reproductive system, for example. The damage will be delayed, but even more extensive and terrible. And we are sitting here with foolish tongues trembling - and not whether they will turn into tomatoes from GM tomato paste. It is not necessary to ban (the criminals will find a way to bypass the ban), but to study and develop to be able to resist such a GM-biological superweapon. And tomatoes, they are, a pleasant by-product of study.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna