— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story happened a long time ago, five years ago. I had to go to the photo salon to print photos. I come, I give a flash, the girl opens, I show her what she needs, we wait...

A man stands next to me. Ask to transfer the video from the phone to the flash drive. On the screen of the monitor appear the video files. While this man is looking at the vitrines, the girl decides to turn on one of the video files and here... on the screen appears a house video, in which the man standing next to him is watching some middle-aged person of questionable beauty...

I, seeing this whole picture, will carefully take a look away, but it is worth paying tribute to the girl in the photography studio. This cute fragile creation completely quietly after 3-4 seconds of viewing turns the video off, drops everything on the flash drive and with an absolute poker face returns the phone and the flash drive to the owner. And, judging by her reaction, during the photography studio she saw all the shit.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna