— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once a long time ago, I don’t remember when my friends, whether in school or universe, jokingly asked me the question: Do I know the capital of New Zealand?

To my shame, I did not know. The answer was simple – Wellington. I remembered it for a lifetime, because it seemed very shameful to me then. The capital of Australia, the main thing I know, and here is the profan... Well remembered and remembered.

Five years later, I served in the army. As I remember now, we had a repair in the barracks and the daytime room was moved to the street, and we lived in tents. So here I am standing on the daylight, at 10 a.m., all the soldiers are lost somewhere after breakfast and divorce, no one, grace in a word. And here they go along the alley going to the barracks, the former commander of my company of young soldiers, well, when I was still an elephant, and a couple of other officers, also starleys and what fun they discuss. I saw them from far away, immediately stood up, stood upright, standing, guarding. They get closer and closer, they talk, they laugh. I hear from the conversation: here is what today the soldier is not literate went, does not know the enemy, geography does not teach, will attack us, and he will not even tell the capital of the state that attacked us, and such a commander to me: Here you, for example, @kov, do you know the capital of New Zealand? I am Wellington! Here you have to imagine a five-second silence, and the changing faces of officers from smiles to confusion. That’s why I needed it. It was useful. This case, I often remember, because you don’t know when you will find something very needed.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna