— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I worked in a photography salon. "Cards" were not so many, but it would be enough to settle a small state in South America. But I remembered one woman. An ordinary woman of uncertain age, aiming for 60s with a tissue bag in her hands. The further dialogue:

Hi, are you taking pictures?

Yes, go ahead and sit down.

Can animals be photographed as well?

In general, at the time we were only taking photos of documents and only people, but I had free time and there was no turn, so I decided to go to meet.

Maybe even animals.

I want to photograph a cat.

Come here, let us take a picture.

He has me with me. Here in the bag. You know, he died a week ago, and I don’t have a photo of him.

In general, referring to the fact that my religion does not allow me to engage in such actions over the corpse of the unfortunate, I refused. The woman was angry for a long time and said, “What are you doing here at all?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna