— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Guys, it is very pleasant that people in our country still think about what will be with our future, it is great, but as far as I know BOR - entertainment portal, and people come here to raise their mood, in this connection I propose to set up a special resource, to call it as the type of "Our future" or "Save the future" and so on public grounds to try to bring to our management that projects such as "Club" or "Club" and in general MTIVs do not benefit our country and do not destroy the conscious and bright in the young generation, although I am not 20 years old, but look at our peers sometimes just scared of how dumb they are and what ideals they have... It is terrible! And if we will send each other the type of "go you sick, also a wise man found, you probably did not have a calf, here you explain your unrighteousness with all honour," then let us immediately surrender to our pentes or return to the original system - we will eat, mate, live in our own shit and produce viruses...

I’m sorry, I know that some people won’t like it, but I also want the good of my country.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna