— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He was involved in translation for internal affairs bodies. Thankful customers gave me small instructs, very beautiful and look original. A bottle of noble drink was attached to them. I was surprised by this generosity. In the evening in the subway, when I was driving home, holding gift cards in his hands, several times caught respectful looks on myself. When I got out on the platform, I saw two men of decent appearance who greeted me with the words: We wish you good health, boss. One of them gave me a visit card and told me that they were ready to work. If necessary, just tell me. Thinking that I was confused with someone, he polently said goodbye and left. At home, the son, seeing my gift, said: Great work, you can see that from the area, who got it will not be given.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna