— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Three If all these vegans silently eat their grass... so they impose their diet on others.
I, as long as I am not touched, I don't give a shale to anyone and I don't offer to eat - I get more. If you don’t want, don’t eat. But to come with everyone "on the shelters" and then say that no one brought meat-free food to him... And then engage in the advertising of veganism... Well now 1. no one invites anywhere. This time she was thrown home stupidly. Other people ruined the mood. Because when you eat your own, and here they come and start to talk about the imaginary harm of meat... Man has always been all-eating. All his history. And all evolution prepared him for a variety of food. Protein and protein are needed by the body. It can synthesize itself, of course, but it costs more than eating varied and balanced. In general, no vegan will chase if they do not stand out their addictions as some dignity and will not actively promote their diets.
The same thing about everything else that differs from average behavior. Don’t want to be hated – don’t scream at all corners and don’t get into the norm.
Go with your ads to school.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna