— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Near the land plot on which my house stands, there is a LEP. A couple of weeks ago, from the window, I noticed that in the most remote corner of the site, a bird is hanging, crawling with its wings, trying to fly through the fence of the rabbit grid, but it is not possible. At first, it seemed to me from a distance that it was some neighbor's chicken lost, but when I came closer, I didn't believe my eyes: in front of me ran on the grass and waved the wings of a real, and seemingly quite an adult, beautiful gray-and-white frog (then I was told that it was a gray-and-white frog). And it is almost in the center of a large regional city! Most likely, I thought, it hit the wire, damaged the wing, and now can’t take off. Of course, he could not be left so, he would definitely either die of hunger or become a victim of wandering cats. Since I can’t deal with predatory birds, I started calling friends and acquaintances. The Soviets, of course, tried to give everything, but mostly the type of such that to teach him to sit on his shoulder instead of a poppy and shout "piastri, piastri!". We were lucky with the bird. One of my classmates found a friend, who once lived in the courtyard in a volley, of course, he knows what to feed, what to show to the veterinarian, and even from his former pet left a volley. I caught the bird carefully, which was not a lot of trouble, because it was tired of its fruitless attempts to take off and silenced, only looked closely at me with smart eyes, put it in a box under the microwave and waited for his arrival. We greeted, met, he looked at the barley and said that he would take it and show it to a familiar ornithologist, and at the same time told me the story of his barley. The story seems interesting to me, so I decided to write my own.
To this guy, his name is Sergey, once a familiar hunter gave a puppy of a frog, apparently falling out of the nest. Sergey built a volley for him and fed him. It turned out that it was a female who lived with him, grew up and became so accustomed to the man that she took a piece of meat from the owner's hand and swiftly sat on her hand. Yastrebiha lived with him in the volleyball for more than five years and did not show any desire to leave, although such an opportunity was granted to her, a couple of times Sergey forgot to close the volleyball. And suddenly one day in his courtyard began to fly every day of the eagle-samean, who sat on a tree near the volley for days and for nothing wanted to fly away. So the birds looked at each other all day, in the evening the male flew, but in the morning always returned. Sergey became clear that his fiancé flew to his bird, who fell in love with her by ears and now will not fall behind until the owner leaves his beloved. It was a pity to let the bird go, he was accustomed to it, and if it could survive in the wild. But at the same time, Sergey understood that you will not argue with nature, the bridegroom will not lag behind, so he decided, opened the door and left. The bride, not thinking for a long time, came out of the volley, spread the wings, flew, and the couple, having made a bit of a circle in the air, flew away. After a few days, the strawberry flew alone, sat on a tree near her wheelchair for a long time, let the owner come to her, but she did not take a piece of beef from his hands and did not sit on her hand either. So I sat on a tree for a few hours and flew away, forever. This is such a story.
And my deer Sergey showed the ornithologist, there was a stretching of the wing, so my assumption about the impact on the LED wire was most likely true. Now he lives in the "inherited" volley, recovers, feeds on mice, which Sergey catches for him alive with the help of a mouse. Those living on the site of the Caucasian and Alabayan this predator intimidated so that they were afraid even to get close to his voller. As soon as the wing is restored and he can fly, Sergey will release him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna