— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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1st In Brazil, the law allows a reduction in prison sentence for reading books. One book is minus four days in prison. Maximum 12 books per year, that is, 48 days of term.

2nd Shavarsh Karapetyan, a 17-time Soviet swimming world champion, saw a bus fall into a lake during a morning run. He pulled out 46 people out of 92. Twenty of them survived. He himself, due to severe cuts with glass and hypothermia, fell into a coma for a month and a half.

Three The French pirate Olivier Levasser, nicknamed the Sturgeon, before climbing the squad shouted, "find my treasures, who can," and threw into the crowd a cryptogram with a encrypted card. It has not yet been decrypted. The treasure is estimated at billions of euros

4 is Chromydrosis is a rare anomaly in which a person can secret red, green, yellow or blue sweat.

5 is Masabumi Hosono was the only Japanese survivor on the Titanic. The whole country hated him for his lack of honor and samurai spirit – he took a seat in the boat, rather than giving it to a woman or a child. His name appeared in school textbooks as an example of the shame of the nation.

6 is "Texas sniper" Charles Whitman, before killing 16 people in 1966, wrote a farewell letter in which he vowed to examine his body after death to find out the reasons for his uncontrollable anger. The results of the scan showed that Charles was sick – he was found a tumor, which may have been one of the reasons for his actions.

7 is 35-year-old American Mike Merrill decided to sell himself on the stock exchange. To do this, he conditionally divided himself into 100,000 parts and set an initial price of $1 per part. Now all decisions in his life are made by shareholders, including romantic ones.

8 is McDonald’s is never a random form. There are four regulated patterns – shoe, bell, bone and ball. They are created specifically to make the impression that the shape is random, like home food.

9 is Muhammad Ali’s fate was decided by chance. At the age of 12, he was stolen a bicycle, which he bought for his money. In rage, he came to the police station and warned that he would find and beat the man who did it. A police officer suggested that he first learn to fight and enroll in the boxing section.

10 is In South Korea, there is a Cinderella law, which prohibits minors from online after 22. 30 is All accounts on the network are automatically blocked. This is done so that the students can sleep normally.

11 is Paul Kern, a Hungarian soldier, was wounded in the head during World War I. The bullet destroyed part of the frontal part of the brain. The consequences of this injury were incredible - he never slept again in his life (even with the help of sleeping pills). For 40 years he never felt tired, to the great surprise of doctors.

12 is A certain dose of banana spider poison can cause a strong and prolonged erection. Pharmacists are trying to use this to create a new Viagra

Thirteen When we talk about serial killers, we come to mind with scattered examples, such as Jack the Ripper, for example. But the bloodiest killer in history was the less famous Cristman Gennipperteinga In the 16th century he killed 964 people in 13 years. Christman planned a thousand casualties, but was caught and executed before finishing his life.

14 is In 1915, Charlie Chaplin participated in a contest for his own double. He did not even go to the final.

15 is If a Google employee dies, the company will continue to pay half of his salary to his or her spouse for 10 years. And if the deceased had children, then a thousand dollars per child before they graduate from school (19 or 23 years old) (news 2014)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna