— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You read the cleaning machine and it seems that it is a dispute about whether a lot of effort and time should be spent on cleaning. But at the bottom, it’s just about pigs and purse. Cleansers know that the splashes of fat in the kitchen from the bowl are wiped out for a long time and roughly, the pigs do not notice these splashes and do not see the need to blow up the tiles every weekend. The same with the washing of the microwave, refrigerator, multivarker, door, pen, all possible shelves, and the list is actually huge. Once a year the pigs notice that it has become somehow dirty and spend two full weekends on general cleaning (well or not spend). But if the pig is a husband, and the cleaner is a wife, then she will be stunned by this cleaning, and he is not able to evaluate the effort, because the dirt has not noticed. In his understanding, the apartment was clean and remained clean. Who is right here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna