— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the arms forum, a question was asked about wearing bracelets.

and XXX:
The bracelets are a special means, as is the rubber hose (PR). Their use and acquisition by citizens is not regulated. Accordingly, following the principle of "all that is not forbidden is allowed", you can buy and wear them. However, not all shops will sell them to the citizen. A lot of places where this will require a private security guard license or an ID of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yes, and in the case of a SM inspection, they can be murky when they are detected.

There is no limit to human wisdom. "Evrika!" said the self-defense man and went to... the sex shop for handcuffs in pink fur. After that, all the questions immediately disappear: "Why do you need handcuffs, citizen?", "For intimate games with your wife/girlfriend"))

At the same time, a f-simulator, instead of a rubber hose bought...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna