— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In our courtyard recently appeared a man with a dog (probably moved to us) - the female part of the dogs immediately echoed his "guru of style". Because for some reason he decided that his mission in life was to teach us to beauty. He loves to suddenly approach the corner and start giving advice - say, you need to paint brighter, or such a pale look you will not attract men, and you definitely need to wear heels (excellent, just great advice to the owner of a large and mobile dog at half eight in the morning!) is

The fact that no one is listening to him does not bother the uncle or the fig, as practice has shown. And even on direct mailings to the forest, he is not offended. In general, it is perceived as a weather phenomenon. And only one Anya treats him with good-hearted irony. Because the 43-year-old Anna, who will become a girlfriend from day to day, was very pleased with the phrase "You are thirty years old soon, and you will not begin to dress feminine!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna