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[ + 27 - ]
The Cleaning-2
# cleaning

I work in a wacht method, so I remove a house near the workplace. I stay in this apartment 4 nights a week. The crust begins to look dirty about 2 weeks after the last cleaning. Another week this minor pollution can be tolerated, then there is a desire to clean up. I clean up there every three weeks. The funniest thing is that among my acquaintances, some consider cleaning once every 3 weeks the peak of lead, others - the peak of purification :)

I live in an apartment with my husband, two young children and a half-blind grandmother. We day and night daily, cook and cover the table three times a day, we come in dirty shoes from work, from school / garden, from walks, from the store. We play, sew, draw, do crafts from cloves, dig, pour, pour, crush... The shell and in general, ALL starts to look irreversible on the third day without cleaning.
In your case, yes, maybe even less.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna