— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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> as I look at it, I don't know at all what these labels are for. They are designed so that in the event of an accident, rescuers know that you must first help the defenseless creature.

What kind of nonsense, god?
1st The presence of such a label on the car does not mean the presence of a child in it, and vice versa. There is no useful information for rescuers. But this information is carried by the child's chair in which the child should be.
2nd As a result of an accident, the sticker can be defiled, damaged, burned, scratched, closed with something, fly into the cage together with the glass, etc.
Three The lives of adults are as important as the lives of children, we should not neglect them.
4 is The rescuers themselves decide in what order to provide help, based on the specific situation and medical ethics, and your sticker will not affect this process.

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