— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From WoW Forum

The Hunter:
Perversionists try to prove to everyone that they are normal, and normal people try to prove to perversionists that they are perversionists, but it is impossible to prove it to them, if the perversionist understood that he is a perversionist then he would not be a perversionist, because the real perversionist will never understand that he is a perversionist, this can only be understood by adequate surroundings, this is a medical fact, read Freud and the literature on psychiatry.

The Plaks:
Do you understand that, according to your logic, normal people cannot be considered normal because they consider themselves normal (as all perverse people do)? And how are you going to distinguish them from others now?

and Hiddin:
You killed my brain. tt

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna