— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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#cats+tablets #everyone angry

With your untouched consciousness, I really feel like a starper:
The Soviet anecdo-
They gathered (as usual) a Russian, an Englishman (formerly usually a Frenchman) and an American. The task is to feed the cat with mustard. The American, (like some forums) grabbed a cat under his mouth, grabbed a couple of tablespoons, our shouts “protest, it’s violence!”", well the second grabbed the sausage, gave the cat, our again – “protest, it’s a scam!”". The other two are waiting for what the Russian will do. And he just smashed the cat’s ass with mustard, the cat with the bow began to lick, our, proudly – "Note, voluntarily and with a song!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna