— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Added erudited but stupid:

Answer the erudite:

And how it is boring with the erudite, you would know - it would be time to go to bed for a long time, and he blows up everything with his erudition.

Well yes yes yes. Only as a cultural person, I can't immediately catch my ass and pull it into bed - I'm not Rzhevsky, to get on the mouth 10-100 times in order to penetrate once. As an intelligent person, I can’t ask in the forehead "Can you catch your ass and drag you into bed?"—this question may be the last. As an inexperienced person, I am forced to mock with erudition in anticipation of the hint of a banquet continuation. And the hint is not and is not, or it is so subtle that you can't see it.

Moreover, it turns out that it was a hint, day after day, two or three :( So, unforgettable, if you washed up / squeezed / painted, and this botanist is still not aloo - don't be embarrassed, quietly put him for a member. If he does not understand this hint, please look for another male, because such oaks should not reproduce.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna