— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Most often, further coupling occurs by the method of external fertilization, in which a small male tightly embraces the big lady with its front legs and watered the caviar with sperm, which she all this time moisturizes. But some species prefer fertilization internally, when the pair turns to each other with cloaks and combines them, and the Nectophrynoides frogs, for example, carry small frogs and give birth to them fully formed. With the usual, external mating, the male releases the partner only when he feels that her belly has become soft - the reserves of caviar have exhausted.and c)

As you can see, even with external fertilization, the bridegroom is not afraid to ride on the lady by horse.And you, fucking, now bear the moral responsibility for what contextual advertising I have after googling THIS!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna