— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are two banks in front of you. Car and Pepsi. You can only choose one. Which one?
1) You have chosen the collar. You are the king of life and you get everything you want from it.
You chose Pepsi. You are a rebel, you are not satisfied with the current life and are set to fight.
But in both cases you do not go beyond the conditions in which you were placed.
3) You took any of the two and came in front of the experimentator. Then took the second. You are the real master of life, not that figure on p.1. Such people have real power to make decisions.
You have abandoned both, subconsciously understanding that the choice given to you is essentially not a choice. You are a real rebel, not the figure from p.2. Only those who can abandon all existing options are able to create something fundamentally new.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna