— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Aaa: In the old days, the Cossacks, in order to become an ataman, had to go to the taiga in complete solitude and bring a living wolf, bound and with a cloak in his mouth.
BBB: But why clap in the mouth? Would the wolf call for help?
ccc: A bound wolf, insulted by violence, always speaks loudly and sharply. And the Cossacks are people who fear God, black words do not like. Children will be guarded by them. This is a worn toothpaste in a toothpaste and is sealed.
Interestingly, after that snatch, the wolf not only ceased to mate, but also expressed from now on exclusively as Ditmar Eliashevich Rosenthal. Literally and without words-parasites.
ddd: The gray wolf brings the cossacks bound, with a clap in his mouth, and speaks with a human voice:
Take it! He was early in Athens.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna