— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read today two stories about how sometimes some girls choose men - and And the phrase in discussions, such as “they are all like that.” In other words, illogical. I disagree with this conclusion. not all. But watching some of them is really interesting. I remembered how I was struggling and struggling in the 90s with a company of psychological students. On one of the tosses, on someone's birthday, was their practitioner, an offgenic man. He told a lot of stories. Here is one of them. I’t be surprised if he had already been somewhere – he told a lot and a lot of people. Next with his words.

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About the subtleties of choosing a life satellite.
For the sake of justice, I will note that many men, choosing a companion of life, make decisions, gently speaking, not with their heads. Not with the heart.

A very common among a certain circle of women is the phrase "All men are the same!" It is understood, of course, that “all men are goats”. As if there is no huge number of men who are in love with their women. Who, until their old age, literally blow up the dust from their faithful - already gray and wrinkles-like grandmothers at the time. People who love children and grandchildren. Seeing in them traits - and their own and their beloved.

Once, psychologists at one research center were interested in the character of women, for whom "all men are the same." We selected several women with a typically unfortunate fate to begin with. Those who were repeatedly "throwed" by the men were cast with the wedding, thrown pregnant or with minor children on their arms, and so on. Moreover, women were selected from different settlements, with different levels of education and with different degrees of material wealth.

Then we selected a few dozen very decent men. The Responsible. Loving their family. To make money normally. No problems with alcohol. And that their wives bear their wives literally on their arms and do not hope for their souls in their children. Naturally, those of them who were already married were asked to remove their engagement rings and not to give their family status. The purity of the experiment. For the same purpose, they were asked to dress roughly the same – a business suit and a white shirt. And also remove all expensive attributes, such as elite watches and the like. And, attention, launched into this society one particular bastard. The selected. Here is a straight stamp to put nowhere - such a babbnik, shit and passed away. Just a prize medalist from the exhibition! Moreover, not even the fact that a beautiful man is quite ordinary appearance. Dress like everyone else. Among the selected men were with a more pleasant look. In general, the average in all external parameters is male... The selected women were asked to talk to all candidates in a flash date mode. Two or three minutes for each candidate. And then indicate a photo with the number of the person who was interested. Of course, I did not say anything about the experiment. Typical, just a hunt for the purpose of getting to know.

What would you think? correctly! The first one launched into these artificially created "paradise bushes" chose the only specially selected moral kind! The other candidates only repeated her words:
Only one man, more or less interesting. The rest is something wrong. Is he really not married? Can I get his phone?

And this is among a few dozens of specially selected normal men!! Several times changed the cattle for the purity of the experiment. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of “clinical brochures” selected “the most interesting of all candidates” without saying anything.

“Here comes the conclusion,” said the elderly psychologist, “When a woman says that all men are goats, it means only one thing. She has a sharp smell of these very goats and a thirst for adventure for her “lower 90s.” A form of masochism. According to the principle, which was formulated by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: "Ah, to fool me is not difficult - I am glad to be fooled myself!" And she is not that of two or three dozen men, and even of a hundred or a thousand intuitively, but unmistakably will choose the "prize copy." And it will struggle to the same grails again and again. And normal men, if one of them tries to get to her, she sews off, as uninteresting. Is it surprising that with this approach almost all the men she had something with are goats? It is also a talent to live “not boring.”
What about the mistakes of youth, inexperience? We asked.
Mistakes are normal. They learn from mistakes, he replied, is there such a saying? Here is! But there are people who don’t learn anything from life. never ever. Good luck to you, young people! Love each other. And think with your head, not... Well you understand!

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