— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

My friends decided to try raw food. He and she are very active and hardworking people. At one time, they abandoned the work of clerks in favor of heavy physical work in the fresh air. Those are my friend’s words. After a month of raw eating, the perception of life changed greatly. It turns out that a person needs very little in the work itself. And if you need so little then why hard work, why exercise if you can just not gain fat, why stress if you can pick up nuts in the forest and live normally. In general, they dropped this snare away from sin.
So it is possible that Khomitch is to blame, but most likely just moral values are changing, accordingly and funny you find different now.

He could not sleep all night, tormented by the question: what kind of smoothie did they throw - raw food or heavy physical work in the fresh air? Answer for Christ’s sake, and I don’t know whether to choose raw food or to change work.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna