— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Strange people who consider children emotionally underdeveloped idiots. Why are they to you?
Boy, you won’t believe it! No one is born with the emotional sphere of an adult. I’ll tell you more, children, for example, at a certain age can’t separate aggression from love! Because a strong feeling overwhelming the child. Therefore, they bite from the excess of feelings. And belief in a miracle is a necessary stage in the formation of a small child. It is obvious that at eight years old it is already strange to believe in this, but at five - it is quite normal. At this age, the wind is alive, the trees talk, and the toys revive at night. By the way, they say that if you kill (complicated, but possible) faith in a miracle in this period, then with future creativity you can also say goodbye. No discoveries, a complete pedantry "from now to now".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna