— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend works at Oracle, iron support. The client has a seat from one of the stands. At 2 a.m., the temperature steadily rises, then the food is cut off, the hellish overconsumption begins on the interruptor, after 40 minutes everything returns to normal. Change everything you can and can’t. did not help. The client cries and mosquitoes, the management is nervous. Calls for 30 people from a bunch of units. In the end, one girl wondered why it always happens exactly at two. Added access to the card. At 2 o'clock in the morning, the grandfather's cleaner goes to the machine room. Grandpa is called on the carpet, tortured what he is doing there. Grandfather tells him how he walks with the vacuum cleaner, nothing suspicious. The camera was put. At 2 in the morning again. Raise the recording.

Daddy comes into the room, hanging the coat (!) Standing on the back (!), pulls out two wires from the strip, a vacuum cleaner is plugged into one socket (!In the other cup (!Drive the vacuum cleaner for half an hour and drink tea for 10 minutes. He then pulls the wires back and leaves. Everything was explained.

During the process, it turned out that the grandfather was of a very respectable age, and dusting here since the time when there was a paper archive of the department in the room. From his point of view that some cabinets, that others - no difference.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna