— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once I’ve been talking about contraception, I’ll tell you a funny case.

I am in the line at the pharmacy. Two casinos work, in one of them something is purchased by a very large lady, in the other a man is paid, I am standing behind him.Suddenly, a classic gopnik breaks into the pharmacy like a whirlwind (even a cap was present), runs past me in dangerous proximity and begins to mess between the casinos. The man pays off and leaves, I approach the box office, although the copper obviously intended to get there before me, but it didn’t work. Gopnik continues to run around the pharmacy, a tiger in a cage. Finally, the big lady goes away from the neighboring window and there, like the Matrosov on the embrasure of the enemy's dot, rushes the gopnik, for the flight shouting at the whole pharmacy:
The Pastor!!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna