— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I disagree with:

I fully agree that female contraception is much more difficult and harmful to the body, but agree...

Study the question before you write it. Apparently, you imagine taking hormonal pills as a one-off action, unambiguously guaranteeing a positive result (take it orally before association and drink it with water, and there are no problems). It is not so. Contraceptives are drunk courses with strict observance of the regime. And changing the balance of hormones in the body is a completely different order of intervention than wearing a removable, easily removable hood for a few minutes.

Both partners should take care of protection. Don’t wear a hood – don’t let it! Logic: it’s his fault because I didn’t wear it, and it’s harder for me to protect myself, so I have nothing to do with it, nothing better than logic: but I have something to do with it, I don’t have to give birth.
Responsibility for the consequences is always on two. Exception is one, but I beg you, but not again about it...
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Many women do not use oral contraceptives. Or do you really think they’re as useful as advertising sometimes describes them?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna