— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a cliché: Dolphin was trying to end the cliché and in the dark time cytox on the illuminated street rushed to the lighthouse. Dolboeb, because what rushed in the settlement (the speed of all is small) and in full pocket (he just dropped). The driver was lucky that on the rear seat were passengers who confirmed a suicide attempt. The driver noticed the inadequacy of the bullshit and prepared for the slide. The Gais told the suicide man to take a receipt about the absence of claims, and that, thank the gods, he wrote, simultaneously spilling out his soul of his finger-swept spiritual sufferings. After receiving the receipt, the driver explained the reasons for the unsuccessful attempt, competently and in detail instructed the suicide, how to use the rope, trees, tall buildings and bridges to prevent failure. Probably he was a technician and did not have a psychology diploma.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna