— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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By the way, if you thought we were all such shit, we mocked him, it is not. We all mock each other (and about the colourful grandmother's shirts as well), only if others are brave enough to either answer something, or laugh at themselves with everyone, then this comrade perceives any harmless joke as an insult.
So I experienced what KMS is in boxing. Nothing terrible.

You are just mocking. You may not understand this, but it doesn’t make you beautiful either. Because to continue to regularly "harmless" joke about a person who not only does not perceive a joke, but understands as an insult is just bullying. And collective and to the harassment will pull. It doesn’t matter if you and each other are like that.
No, he deserved that attitude, but you can’t tell it from your story.
You use the same as many. The fact that you can often not answer for your words...
No problem, you are in a hurry. Here you got at work a KMS burdened with education, moral constraints, well, or at least adequately assessing legal aspects. But there are others with an untouched consciousness. As simple as five copies. Those who first beat and then think...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna