— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A real professor.

Between an ordinary lecturer and a teacher, at first glance, there is no difference. Both read their subject, write up at the end of the semester in check-in, the same salary, hours, etc. But the student distinguishes them from the verstu.

When the Professor begins to talk about his subject, he seems to shine from within, illuminating the entire audience with his inner light. And in this light all the insignificant worldly problems dim, and the audience is elevated to the Temple of Science. Time flies unnoticed: the bell rings and people surprisely shake their heads returning from the ideal world to the world, unfortunately, not the perfect: What was it? But even the last duo comes out after a lecture with enlightened eyes.

You think, how can it be: another teaching and subject is more interesting and speech without defects and trousers are smooth :-) But I want to sleep - even kill, boredom and half the audience - empty.
And you go to the Professor, even to the exam - like a celebration. No humiliating searches or hunting for those who write, “The tickets are all taken? Well, I’ll go for a cup of coffee, I’ll come in an hour and knock on the door before that.”

Such a nobleness, our Rozdolbaysky stream could not endure! We decided to show that we are cool too, plus a great gift to our beloved Professor!
We swear by the blood! that we will all give to the Professor without spurs, and organized a rescue committee: behind every "blowjob" was (all voluntarily!) There was a man who “picked” this object. The efforts were titanic, because little to learn, the subject was abstract and complex. It is still necessary to pull the student fool who is only a military commander in life and is afraid. But here the "fools" themselves penetrated - they, you understand, were also affected by self-love! Not for fear, but for conscience.

Satisfied with ourselves, we came to the final exam. Twins for the first time in their lives without any spores, with a firm confidence in their knowledge. All in the unhealthy anticipation that the respected Professor will come, will start asking and will just faint from a pleasant surprise! After all, this is not the case - to all the flow (without preparation, from the course!) I was ready 100%!

The Professor enters, bending under the weight of two huge avocados: "Here are the boys, I see that you are without materials, so I brought you, to help, books and conscripts, use not hesitate."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna