— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And we gave birth to our first child in 1992, when everything around breathed confidence in the future, and money and other certificates provided unshakable reliability. And nothing, the guy grew full, dressed and quite happy, earning (in the form of prizes at the Olympics) began years with 14, grew up quite independent, now works in the notorious factory and became already the head of the design department.

I am older than your son for a year, and I also went to work with 14 (a second seller on the clothing market on the weekend). Growing up full, dressed, and quite happy, childhood is not so easy to ruin. But the money, even with consideration of the work, was enough. Among the saddest consequences of this shortage are terrible knee pain and cramping at age 27, because at one time there was no money for surgery. Not so clearly, so briefly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna