— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in the year of 95th, I lived then in a working village of 10-15k people. I was in school, first or second grade, now I can’t remember. The father was not there, and the mother from morning to evening was at work, like most parents at the time, trying to earn an extra penny. Hm... what I’m getting involved, I go to the matter. The case was this:

I came from school, the portfolio was flying in one direction, a shift in the other. And when I came home, I did not pay attention to the fact that near the entrance a woman of about my age is trembling. There were no doors in the entrances then, so, a piece of fence on rusted loopholes, more for sight, so that the snow in the entrance would not notice. Well, I didn’t have time to wash my hands and sit down at the table to throw a couple of sandwiches with sausages carefully left by my mom in the refrigerator, as I hear a cautious knock at the door. It’s so easy here. Well, I think it seemed like... After a minute more confident knock clearly three times "touch knock knock". And at the time, they liked to knock on the door or call with a "password", saying "click on the bell three times, it means yours came, open." Why all parents for their children was chosen the same "password" I don't know, apparently just a coincidence) Since I was a child not frightening / prudent, I thought something like "Well, my mom came back from work earlier or a friend came in, in the yard to call, the ball to chase." I approached the door, but what did it knock and I asked who was there. And in response a joyful child’s voice: “Hello, it’s me, open it.” Well, I think the voice of a neighbor’s classmate, it means it is. I open up and understand that Nihren is not a classmate. A healthy uncle takes his hand at the door and opens it even wider. There is another one next to him and smiles in his mouth full of golden teeth. And the Gypsies in this moment quickly run down the stairs. Even with my poor childhood mind, I realized that something very bad could happen now. “Daddy, and your mother is at home?” The smiling golden-toothed stranger asks, and his friend at this time has already pushed his back into the doorstep and has his eyes on the house. Well, I think they floated... I don’t know what sometimes moves people in extreme situations, sometimes you just wonder) I say, “Yes, dress up already, you came early” and I go straight to the big uncle. He astonished and took a step back and opened the door. At this point, I grabbed her and ran out on the street (the door we had was with a "self-blocking" lock). Apparently, such a reaction was not expected from me, because they didn't even have time to say anything, as I flew out of my entrance in socks and cowboys and ran to the neighbor. Fortunately there I had a friend who with a wild whisper pulled the phone in the hallway and I was able to call my mom to work. An hour later, I was home and chewed my favorite sandwiches with sausages. And my mom called somebody and cried, straight to a shake in her arms. Here is such a sudden “flashback” to the dream of the coming...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna