— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was at work recently. We stood and smoked, I, a friend, and another girl.

We are all young enough, he and I are 23, a girl 26, but he is already married, and despite his young age, he even has a child. The girl asks him: Well, how is it overall? He said, “Yes, my wife struck me yesterday.

What did you do that?

I drank two bottles of beer.

We, as inexperienced and unfamiliar, are in a light shock. How about when I... on me... because of a couple of beers? At the time, I thought I was 30 years old. Annie’s face was also written that the vow of unmarriage was our choice.

After a little silence, she still asks.

Because of a couple of beers.

I drank one of her and one of mine.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna