— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This happened when the younger son went to the kindergarten. On one of the spring days, I brought him to the garden, his group was walking on the site. He handed his son to the teacher and only wanted to leave as the question followed:

Can you bring us sand?

I am even a little overwhelmed.

What a sand, I’m not a driver.

Here is a bunch. We brought a sand truck, poured it out on the territory, and now we need to bring it to the sandbox of our group. And here we have a car and a boot.

No question, I will bring it. He threw the sand into the car and drove it out. After the second car, the teacher of the neighboring group approached me: "Please bring us sand in the sandbox." Okay we do.

After the first car, a boy came to me with the question: Uncle, drive me in the car. I am not sorry, use it. After that, all the children wanted to ride in the car. On one side I carried the sand, on the other the children. Two people were sitting in a car, two were hanging on their pen. To accelerate the process, the children began to help load and unload the sand. With this help, I carried the sand across all the sandstocks. The main problem for me was to drive everyone, no matter what left out.

The next day this orava met me with a question:

Are you going to drive sand today?

No is!

And with hope in the voice: and tomorrow?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna