— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ]
K - 17:20
The crossroads are painful. I wanted to buy a shrimp, picked them up in a pack, approached the department where it can be weighed to then break through the box office, there was no woman who works there, walked around the store for another 5-6 minutes, she came and got in the phone, stood watching her for almost 2 minutes, she didn't even turn to the line, and smoked in the phone. He swallowed and poured the shrimp back.

The funniest thing, when I left, was that the store received an advertising text message that they had a discount on shrimp. Trolled 100 leaves.
I really the situation with the SMS, received it at the exit of the store, straight as they knew

Fagear - 17:31
It was she who recruited her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna