— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A familiar dogwoman told: a aunt came to them in the dressing with a pitbull and complained that he said, did not listen and figuratively expressed, sat on his head. (The case is classic, a young family acquires a dog, then for some reason they give it to their parents (in this case to this aunt), well, that’s all.

Cinologist - such a brave tough shepherd ryan took the job. Pitbull instantly passed through the chip, played out the most unfortunate dog, hid for the mistress and almost cried. Aunt stumbled on a filmologist in the style of "it's not a soldier for you and here's not an army mustra", "my legs will not be here anymore" and left, pulling a pupil behind her. The acquaintance says that this cunning dog ass flirted with the hostess, looked at the trainer with disgust, smiling into the whole pitbull and barely showed him the fake.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna