— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story is inspired by the memoirs of a programmer with a computer in a strange room with coffee walls.

I was in such a cabinet. Asked to come to clean the viruses, to remove the terrible brakes, or it is impossible to work. They say, there are all sorts of people here, they take advantage of the fact that this is the only office in which there are no cameras, they go into the browser, they google all kinds of abuse and, without discernment, they tick on all kinds of links... I immediately thought of the night guards. Employees will not be burned in the working hours. I looked: well yes, indeed, in the history of the browser there are only ***habs and ***tubes. Even the cabinet is so strange: a canvas, with a dishwasher and a small table on a long leg and a wire to the comp is going... As they said, it is some kind of laboratory special weights, the work of which in no case can be disrupted. He cleansed, removed the evildoers. I go and tell you that everything is ready, you can take work. And there is a man who is instructed... And here I hear from the edge of the ear how he is told where to go to take the seminal fluid tests... And then I regretted working without gloves...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna