— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I tell the story

No feminist in the world has stripped her sister a pink bandage.

When I was 17, I had a girlfriend and she had an older sister. The original personality.
Oral to her sister, when she was wearing short sweaters (unwilling to soften lustful looks), while saying that a woman can walk in anything, even naked, and no one has the right to touch her finger. Her sister's desire to become a florist (not fulfilled) was categorically not supported (donating flowers humiliates a woman), but she ferociously claimed that a woman can do whatever she wants. and so on. She didn’t approve of me either, I heard the word “spermobac” from her for the first time, which at that age seemed extremely funny to me.
She called herself a feminist, but maybe she was just fucking, I don’t know.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna