— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A story of happiness.
On the very journey of the last century, on December 30, 1999, in one large Siberian city, a sad event occurred: a person disappeared. Well, how does it happen - went out of work, called his wife "Nothing to buy home?"And after half an hour, as usual, he is not there, after an hour or two or three there is no. And the phone is off. Not knowing what to think, he called Morgi and the police. not anywhere. After a sleepless night, she went to the district officer, who explained to her that the application would be accepted only in three days. The man is an adult, and the first version is stunned - stunned... Three days passed, the application was accepted, and the search engine turned, as usual - unsuccessfully. For several months, search leaflets with photos of the missing man were flashing, and then they disappeared.
After weeping all the tears, in the spring she decided to devote the rest of her life to God. And since they had no children, nothing kept them in this worldly life. Having consulted with the father of the local parish, she went to a monastery in the N region, six hundred versts from the house. Arriving in the regional center, before going to the monastery, she decided to enter the temple... She entered the gate, obscured herself with a sign of the cross, and with the thought of her missing spouse she entered the darkness of the church curtains. And the first person she saw inside was a familiar and familiar figure of the missing husband... He recognized her immediately, replied to his name, although until this point he had not remembered anything from a past life for six months.
As it turned out later, on the way from the store home, in the deserted squirrel, unknown personalities knocked him on the head, scratched everything out of the pockets and so that the sight did not fall, threw into the body of a standing truck, the driver of which before the far road into the store entered. And found an illegal passenger already in N-sk. 10 hours in the body on the frost and loss of memory for three months put him on a hospital bed. Pneumonia was cured, and memory did not want to return. I got out at the end of March and I didn’t have to go anywhere. Good people sheltered in the church, helped in the services and in the household. And how to know, do not go to the temple, maybe both would have different lives.
They still live in the N-sk, the husband again works in the carpentry business, the wife in the hospital where the husband was lying - all the same nurse. Their children will be congratulated on their adulthood next year.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna