— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When trainees come from the universe and school, the hospital is noticeably revitalized.
In the departments, repairs immediately begin, nurses tell about the nasty practitioners, in short, fun.
But the most fortunate of us, pathologists, is that students really want to see the opening, and I want to get them out of fainting.
The own history.
and Tuesday. I sit down, knock on the phone, knock on the door.
A student comes in and says:
- We would have it, well, it is, in general, like an opening - a younger colleague
There are no bodies yet. - I answer because in the last two days the sanitary judge had more work than I did.
The student shrugged his head, silenced for 10 seconds and gave a cool phrase:
Aaa, it is a pity! This is here, and when will it be?
I relentlessly take a piece of paper and, trying not to smile, answer:
Grishin from cardio is weak. Probably on Thursday.
The student thanked and left. I laughed and forgot.
On Thursday, I am on holiday, I have a quiet breakfast and here the manager calls me:
- Artem Vladimirovich, explain why I now have students and are demanding to open a living Grishina?
I laughed to tears, and the whole morg, as they say, lay.
The comments:
Katya Krutikova: Well, Morgi is always lying.
by Danil Suhanov
As you want, but in an hour Grishin is on the table!
Irina Grishina: The feeling when you are a Grishina...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna