— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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His Majesty is the case.

Several years ago, the graduate of the university Irina, a smart, red graduate in the specialty "Specialist of economic forecasting", and just a beauty, tried to find a job in the specialty. But not here it was: everywhere you need work experience, and where to get it if you don't get a job? As a result, she became an assistant seller of electronics in a large network store. Six months later, after passing the exam, I started working as a salesman. And after some time, given the knowledge and diligence, became a senior salesman. After that I thought... After all, this is her ceiling in her career, and therefore, in a financial sense. Because, like in the anecdote, "the general has a son", and the anecdotes, as you know, are taken from life.

And it would continue unknown how long, but... The store received an offer from the distribution of Nokia Corporation to send several people to a seminar on the study of standards for 4G mobile communications networks. Of course, they sent the senior salesmen of the departments so that they, having acquired new knowledge, passed it on to their subordinates.

I ordered a taxi at 8:30 in the morning, but no one arrived at the appointed time! Calls to the taxi station, and there is no replacement car - the peak hour, they say! What to do? He runs to the prospect, catches a private man. On the third attempt, luck smiled. A little late, he runs into the hallway of the business center, and to the girl at the reception: Where are you here at the Nokia workshop? Without tearing the pipe from the ear and the eyes from the monitor, she shrugged her hand: There.

Running up the stairs... open doors to the hall. People are walking, they are sitting... Oh! So not late. He finds a free place, looks around and does not see his colleagues. And another strange thing: almost all present are men... Strange, but okay, maybe colleagues are late. But a sense of injustices still exists.

There is a business coach, an introductory word, as always a greeting. And here this irregularity was manifested: I am such - such, I welcome the participants, and today we will talk about innovations in the production of elastomers, in order to improve adhesive qualities and wear resistance in difficult conditions.

Panic... and where am I... and where am I, fucking?!! to
Looking around more closely. Screens, visual guides... Everywhere tires. Whole, cut and unworked... The final clarity was made by an assistant carrying notes, pencil and other shells: on the cover a white and green inscription Nokian Tyres. Here is Fallout! And to leave unnoticed impossible... I decided about myself: I sit down to a coffee break, and slime. Maybe I will find my own in this BC, for the delay they will rush, of course, but they will not shoot!

But whether the host of the seminar was so fiercely speaking, or whether Irina's blood was flowing elastic particles - the seminar interested her. Why, if these tyres are so dirty, they haven’t flooded the entire planet yet? Marketing or sales organization. There were questions that she did not hesitate to ask the lecturer, there were interested views of the participants and, most importantly, the organizers of the seminar. And after the break, I no longer wanted to look for my seminar, when there were still unsolved questions...

At the end of the event, Nokian Tyres’ commercial representative in the region asked her to drop her resume to his address. As a result, Irina is now doing what she has studied and is part of the top management of a large company.

Don’t be afraid to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Who knows, maybe it is necessary?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna