— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Oh Noah! Thus e. Are all “democracy-driven operations” in insufficiently democratic countries in the United States entirely free?

Listen, no one can be 100% satisfied with the use of his taxes because they go for the common good. In my city, for example, a bunch of playgrounds, social centers (type DC) were built, sewerage was updated, road coverage was changed in some places and a fountain was struck in the center.
From this: platforms, dc, sewerage and roads are useful to me. The fountain and the stadium surrendered. Moreover, I personally do not see the benefits of the stadium at all, I consider football a waste of time and money and therefore noise... But you understand that this is a personal opinion, and someone has not given up a hundred times the children's playgrounds, and the stadium is a super-new?
However, having all this together, I see that the taxes paid went to the benefit of me and the city. But if the city were to add the annual budget to the stadium...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna