— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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ANDDRONIC Today, 14:56
There was already a movie where a gasterbyter-illegal rotated a harsh male friendship with a crocodile.

K_O_I_L Today at 16:25
Not a gasterbyter-illegal (where is the arbyte there?And soft, plushy, not like everyone else, and because of that does not fit into the traditional society of Cheburecs, suitcases and Cheboxar. The fact that he eventually finds a friend in a stylishly dressed gentleman who smokes a cell phone, works on a strange job and gets acquainted by ads, and then they build a communion with other such egotists and live happily there, shows how truly tolerant society in Russia was until the damn westerns seized the microphone and began to impose their agenda and their complexes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna