— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the Rocket Class "Drunk Master"
There is such a picture: at the tests of the prototype of the rocket, contrary to expectations, began to wire, because of some crumbling in the navigation schemes, and the commander of such addresses the engineers, saying that for the hernia, you are paid for what money? I let go of all sins. And the engineers take it and scare it off: it's not a scary thing, it's designed so. Not a bug, but a fitch, a new algorithm for bypassing air defense.

And a little classic.

Day of 15.
Learn to shoot from mines. Invisibly placed on the mine stone. As a result, after the launch, the mine flew in one direction and the rock in the other, but with the same course. The sergeant almost fell where he stood. But he cleared his throat and said it was a new type of mine – with a divisible warhead. Started a few more minutes in a similar way. This fun ended with the fact that the forestlord came and stated that it was time to stop scattering all the figs, or the wolves are frightened and jump straight on the trees. He was tired of taking them back.

Day of 16.
Learn to collect and dismantle mines. Sidorov, as always, collected a clever stuff. The sergeant said he didn’t know if this ‘appliance’ would work, so everyone moved away. The device" works, but the mine flies through the sinus. They turned the piece up with their feet, the mines began to fly on the cosinus.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna