— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a nostalgia for IT dreams. On the boy in love, who (thinking how many years ago) on the dates enthusiastically tweeted: "Imagine, you have invented such a device, a manipulator "mouse", you will not have to knock the arrows up and down, but just bring it to the cursor, press the button, and any window opens! Well, window, this is such a Windows system, that is, windows, much cooler than DOS, I will tell you! If I have a good computer, I will install it for myself!”
I imagined a rodent jumping through the windows and admired my beloved—how clever he is, though a little rare. After all, everyone knows that the movies are on the TV, the photos are on the film, the music is in the magnetophone, and how, say, all this can fit on some mysterious “laser disks”?? to
Now he sits with his back to me behind his notepad, which even the assu doesn’t want to put on, “to not distract me from work.” Our son is drawing something in the AutoCAD, only I, the unworking, read the tower. I suffer from incomprehensible nostalgia. And the hell, I'll turn off my computer, I'll get somehow in the field of sight of this hard-earned-out and say that I love him, I love him, I love him, even stronger than in my youth, and so I want to talk about something else together ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna