— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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is listened. In English.
Irresponsible Renter (BK): My neighbors have a dog, a large, Swiss, three-coloured, cabbage.
Q: At what address? A. They are entitled.
BK: No, the dog is beautiful, that’s not a problem. But you understand, it's some very rough cabbage, it's always brought by ladies, well you understand...
Q: They have a right.
BG: As much as you want. But the dogs are big and really love this... fresh air. This usually happens on the balcony or in the courtyard.
Q: In the daytime? They have the right.
BG: I am not sorry.
Q: If this is not the problem, what is the problem?
BK: You know, we have a lot of elderly people in our house. They have... a circle. And then after each case they begin to discuss. In all the details, with comparisons from personal experience, days... and this is absolutely unbearable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna