— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The xxx:

Would you like to tell us how we invoked ghosts?
Shortly in the night, they took a candy, put it on the mirror, lighted a candle, painted some circles... shortly, some. Well, according to the plan, after the candle was suffocated, if the ghost came, he had to bite the candle, after which the candle was lit again to see the results.

Again, the summer, the village, friends, including 2 girls and 3 boys (including me). The abandoned house. They dismantled everything, lighted a candle, read spells, swallowed the candle. While it was dark, I took and bit the candy and put it back. As soon as the friend knocked on the lighthouse, they all crashed sharply and broke to the exit. As they ran away, it seemed to me that something was popping up there, and it was as if some birds were popping up on the roof. It was a long run, probably five minutes. Then they stopped, everyone’s eyes were angry, everyone’s somewhat flattered. It turned out that they were the first grandmothers who saw the bitten candy. The boys were frightened by the cries and broke up. I was scared of all that crap myself. I didn’t tell anyone about this candy. ?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna