— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the field of sight of the German tankers was the Stalingrad tractor plant. He was protected by 37 guns with calculations from volunteer girls.
The girls were not trained to fire on the tanks, but there was no way out. The tankers first opened fire on the guns, destroying the aircraft together with the calculation. But in response, Soviet artillery began to shoot on tanks with direct guidance, which surprised even experienced tankers.
After several unsuccessful attacks, Wittersheim ordered the aircraft to be thrown into combat. Even after the bombing of the heights, on which the anti-aircraft calculations were fixed, the fight did not stop. The Germans moved forward, pushing both guns and girls. Almost entirely interrupted and workers from the factory who came out to fight.
From 23 to 24 August 1942, the total 1077 regiment aircraft were beaten 83 tanks, of which 33 were destroyed; further destroyed 15 truck vehicles, three infantry battalions and two tanks with fuel, and also shot down by various data from 14 to 20 aircraft.
Fuck, Bondarchuk is a cattle!
That’s what a movie should be about!
Bondarczuk turned his victory into a defeat. The Swedes from the "Sabaton" more respectfully sang "the height of 3234", than Bondarchuk removed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna