— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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#pedophiles and don’t believe #humor

told a friend of the journalist. She worked in the corporate newspaper of the metallurgical plant. And wildly interested in the criminal theme (half newspapers were devoted to the factory, and the other half - to the news of the city). And here she enthusiastically turns to the editor-in-chief and cries:
The Pedophile!! A pedophile was caught. Mint info gave, we urgently put the article on the first strip!!! to
“Child,” the editor breathed, “we’re out on Saturday, right? What day is Saturday?
Eeeemmm...which one?
And on Saturday we have the day of metallurgist!!! And all the fucking newspaper will be dedicated to the day of the metallurgist! This is when there is a pedophile day, then we will put your article on the first page!!! to

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